Word puddle

Was reading the post on Ceedy’s blog and got inspired , so here is my very own Word puddle… 😀

i wanna be PRESS too….

Today morning was coming back home from friend’s house and my auto and all other vehicles were halted by cops near Gemini Fly over for a couple of minutes… i was dwiddling my thumbs wondering who is the big shot going out…[pic clicked by yours truly...

Weekend, did you say??!!!

These days, my weekdays are more chilled out than weekendMy friends keep saying “chill out and have a relaxed weekend gurl” and my weekends, esp Saturday’s are anything but that!!This saturday, you wanna know what i did… or rather what all i...

[Movie] Khuda ke Liye – In the Name of God!!

A movie i had been wanting to watch ever since i read about it in the papers and heard raving reviews from my friends… yep, am talking about Khuda Ke Liye, [In the name of God] directed by Shoaib Mansoor … This Pakistani movie has become one of my...

[Movie] The Dark Knight

WowAwesomeFantasticMind BlowingUnbelievable..Now, these are not just words.. they are all that come to my mind when i think of The Dark Knight, by Christopher Nolan.. A movie that had gripping to my seat, enjoying every second of it, and there were some scenes where...
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