As i wrote the post on Coimbatore 2days ago, i remembered another incident that flashes before me every now and then… It was my uncle R’s wedding [gramma’s brother, last one in the string of 4, and he was about 2yrs older than my mom].. He is one of those with whom you can have a conversation on any topic, and be comfortable enough to debate/discuss… Someone chilled out, who we were/are all very fond of… Sigh!!
We were living in Madurai am guessing and had gone to Coimbatore for the wedding few days ahead of time!! And one evening,we had gone to Richie Rich for ice cream [ again , dont ask how i remember, but it is one of those things that is registered deep in my mind].. As we were getting out i slipped on the steps, fell and sprained my legs to a point where i could not walk… Yep!! i couldn’t walk at all .. Was home, and literally bed ridden for couple of days…. Recall all coming to the room i was in to give me food,help me with other stuff… 
Thankfully was alright by the time wedding date arrived and then over the years, this incident keeps popping in my head at the most random moments… 
Today, as i was heading home from the movie, i saw a man with a prosthetic arm and though of uncle R, when a lone tear trickled down my cheek.. He passed away couple of years back, sudden heart attack..totally unexpected …………….Why did i think of him? well, he had a factory accident few months after marriage, and lost his right arm,shoulder down…But went about life without showing pain or expecting people to go the extra mile cos he was forced to use his left hand for everything!! Amazing person, spunky and lively…..!! Sigh………… life………….
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