The minute the new year is born, the first thing I look in the Calendar is “What day is my Birthday”.. Little pleasures of life, right?

Well, over the years the day has come to become synonymous with “Spending time with friends”.. But over the past few years, one by one my friends have been moving away [ not figuratively, but literally].. one moved to Bombay, another to Bangalore… Sigh!! What this means is I don’t have these jokers around to hang out with, spend time with.. But then that is life, right?

This year, on 3rd I was home, feeling slightly Blahed out when a group of friends messaged, followed it up with a call and we met for a quick bite and some chit chat.. It was one fun evening indeed… Did not stay out too late, but had a good time.. Tried out pasta and garlic bread with Beetroot mayo at this new place, had ice cream at a small local joint, laughed quite a bit & had a whale of a time… And then of course there were the sweet ones who called to wish around midnight and made sure I was in high spirits..hehe… 

What do I look for this year? 

  •  Me – Stay the same, keep myself as top priority and live life my
    way! [as I have been doing so
  • Keep health as top priority- try
    something new
  • Travel- A friend sent me this minion
    video about travel and wished me more travels this year..  
    Yes, I want to travel
    lot more, explore new places and enjoy it while I can
  • Work – See what needs to be done to
    become a Digital nomad.. 
  • Photography – learn few tricks, tips
    and click more… 
  • Finances – Invest more, plan

Happy Birthday to me!! 😀

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