“We started our careers together and always wanted to have our own Bistro kind of a place. And since we are now together, working in our Bistro, the place is called The Bistro Story” said Ravi [one of the owners]. That was the clue- The Bistro Story is where we...
So, the CIFF this year was a super duper hit. Why? How? Cos i managed to attend, and not just attend a few, but saw 14 movies. Yes, you read it right. I had made up my mind to not only register, but to make it a point to attend as many as possible this year since last...
Towering high majestic and grand decked in bright red with rings of light on your neck you came waltzing towards me fear, excitment and a rush ripping through me in all directions knew not what was in store heart beating faster hands itching to click not one, or two,...
Ever since my bday, its been one busy roller coaster couple of days!!! and last week was no exception… The one thing we were all looking fwd to was my uncle’s 60th Bday function.. Gosh, its been a year since my Dad’s60th Bday!! Wow, time sure...