New Pubs in Town… Chennai

New Pubs in Town… Chennai

After being cooped up at home for nearly 9-10months, I finally began venturing out.. Wore a mask, carried sanitizer, and took autos [ I thought autos were better than cabs, open and you don’t have to deal with other people’s stenches/bo, etc..] Did meet...

Pizza by the slice- Sbarro

Thanks to the unscheduled powercut last evening, friend & I decided to get out of the house, go somewhere with AC and when I mentioned not having been to Vijaya Forum Mall, that is where we headed to. From the  exterior appearance to the main entrance, I felt...

Haagen-Dazs arrives in Chennai

Häagen-Dazs, a name that brings a twinkle in every eye, Häagen-Dazs, a brand that people who are into desserts, especially ice creams will know Häagen-Dazs, need i say more? Well, today, Chennai has a new entrant in the ice cream arena, that too in prime...

The Dessert Studio, Chennai

The sweetness of chocolate, tartness of strawberry and the added flavour of sweet cream was what i felt in my mouth with the 1st bite of the crepe. I was at Dessert Studio, the newly opened place in Khader Nawaz Khan road [ it is in the same campus as Espirit, tucked...
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