The Oscars 2012

They walked the red carpet They wore designer clothes and designer shoes They cheered, they smiled and they thanked.. Well, the Oscars 2012 was no less a grand affair than what i saw in 2011 or the year before…  Some of the winners were deserving While some...

La la la la la lalala la go The Smurfs

I watched The Smurfs yesterday morning with a friend and her son…. The theme song is just so annoyingly addictive, have been humming it non stop since then…. here it is, Enjoy this, while i go get the Review written!! Oh, and here’s the trailor as...

[Movie] A Christmas Carol

Its gonna be a week since i saw this movie, so thought its about time i wrote about it…  A Christmas Carol , the last show was what we managed to watch, that too Sunday morning 9am show.. Can you beat that? And we feasted on it in 3D style~!! 🙂 Starring:...

[Movie] Monsters VS Aliens

A movie for kids…hang on, thats not right… A movie for kids and adults and everyone else who loves animated stuff… 🙂 A movie that must be seen in 3D.. Saw it in 2D format in Bombay, and then when i saw it last evening in 3D style here in Chennai, i...
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