Hoysala trail… Coffee trail.. bird watching…!!

A day after our cousin’s wedding, Lakshmi called and that was it!! She and a friend were organising a tour, for close friends, as an inaugural offer.. Without a blink , i said YES,AM IN!! She then sent me a mail with info about the tour- we were to cover about...

Hoysala trail… Coffee trail.. bird watching…!!

A day after our cousin’s wedding, Lakshmi called and that was it!! She and a friend were organising a tour, for close friends, as an inaugural offer.. Without a blink , i said YES,AM IN!! She then sent me a mail with info about the tour- we were to cover about...

[55er] Her

Flapping her wings, she tries to break free; refusing to budge, her feet stay grounded. “Panic sets in” Will I ever? But, what about when everyone…? Am I meant to stay put right here? “Gulp” Swallowing fear, she stares out the window Oh, well! Atleast am safeInside...
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