One more.. for moi???

Gracias senor Vishesh for the Award!!!!  ever since i began blogging seriously [ not serious posts, but regularly], its been awesome fun!! i’ve come across so many amazing writers, fun people and made some cool new friends as well!! The fact that blogging...

Am honored!!!

At the end of a long day, there is nothing more soothing than a cold drink or a special someone greeting you at the door… Now, i dint have a cold drink, i had a hot cuppa coffee- which wasnt bad, and as for the special someone, i instead had a sweet friend...

Oh, thank you… thank you!!!

My Blog journey has been quite interesting… I started blogging about 3yrs back.. but never really bothered much about writing regularly.. it was just a cache to store my poems, and reviews.. but soon the blog bug bit me and i got into writing regularly.. And...
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