This Monday.. a departure & some words..

This Monday.. a departure & some words..

How do you coping with the death of a friend? One that you knew for years, did not meet or chit chat often, but you knew was around and you had a special connection. How do you cope with the death of a friend, especially one that was so sudden & unexpected? How...

Dear Diary.. time does fly by

Dear Diary, Am back.. It has been awhile but feels like I was writing in you only yesterday. Two whole months have gone by and we have survived the days and nights.  But there are moments when am just blank and  I end up having a chat with Granpa –...

Dear Diary – Making the move

Dear Diary,  Am back.. And this time I just want to talk about this decision I have taken. You know how there are some decisions that come easy and then there are others that just wreck us, leave us confused and lost. This was one decision that came easy, I did...

Death and moving on

Dear Diary Everytime I open a new page, my mind is in a muddle. I am going through something big, something drastic and it has me thinking..  Today is the 10th day since grandpa passed away. Yes, he died.. He was one of those who I thought will live forever. I...

2013- The year that was

Well, yes I do know it is a cliched post that pretty much everyone is doing! I deliberated over it for a few days, started writing it on 30th Jan and then abandoned it only to resume today.  I want to share all that has happened in the year that went by, both in...
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