Finding Space to Breathe: How Distance Can Help with Toxic Family

Finding Space to Breathe: How Distance Can Help with Toxic Family

Family, the cornerstone of our lives. But sometimes, that very foundation can become cracked and unstable. Dealing with toxic family members can be a constant drain on your mental and emotional well-being. While the ideal scenario involves a healthy, supportive family...

September Tag- Day 13- From a Distance

There are times when you walk on the road, or could be anywhere and something afar catches our eye.. This has happened quite a few times to me, and it is only on certain occasions that i had my camera with me! Even when in the car, there are moments when i pull out my...

I’ve known her

since college, 1995, and we grew closer with every passing year… and finally the last 2yrs before her[TR] marriage we were soul sisters.. every morning would begin with a call from her to me or vice versa ..TR: Hi Aaroo, so, whats the POA for the day? [plan of...


Ahh, what would i do without my friends??I would be lost and lonelyMiserable and afraidbut God has been kind to me in this one aspect!!! 🙂 This post is a THANK YOU to all my dear sweet friends, who have been with me through thick and thin [literally] and will continue...

Celebration of sorts

July 11th is a day that began with some wonderful thots in my mind… as i got out of bed, i remembered it was my Friend B’s bday [college mate, who used to be a good friend and well, over the years, our friendship has drifted a bit, but i still think of her...
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