Skywatch Friday- Through the ruins

With apprehension, i got out of the car and checked to see if the gates were open.. Phew, they were! This was my 2nd time here at Sadras Fort [well, technically 1st since the last time i landed here the gates were shut and i had an interesting encounter with an...

Project 365 Day 8 – Royal!

Everytime we walk into a saree store, i am blown away by the amount of creativity in each piece.. The rich colours, the intricate patterns and how grand the whole fabric looks. But yes, i am not too big on wearing silk sarees, although i do enjoy the occasional...

Of Temples and heritage sites….

The day started early, and Lakshmi and I were on our way!! Had kinda decided on 2routes, with a whole bunch of places to visit during the day and finally ended up doing a mix of both routes… 1st place we headed towards was Chengelpet, enroute we stopped over at...
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