Marriage – the be-all and end-all of life!!?

Marriage – the be-all and end-all of life!!?

“When did marriage become the beginning and end of it all for a girl?” [I want to scream this from the top of the world]  I have had this question on my mind since that I am I turned 20 and my family began obsessing over when they were going to get me...

Sacrifice or Compromise!!

A friend recently remarried…. after being single independent woman for nearly 20years! She found this man, a decade older than her, and I dont know if it was instant love or they just grew to like each other over a period of time, but things moved fast and he...

Enough is enough

No matter what the conversation is, it invariably steers towards the topic of “Marriage” No matter who they are talking about, it comes around to someone who is looking to get married No matter who is in the room, the discussion beats around the bush and...

I’ve known her

since college, 1995, and we grew closer with every passing year… and finally the last 2yrs before her[TR] marriage we were soul sisters.. every morning would begin with a call from her to me or vice versa ..TR: Hi Aaroo, so, whats the POA for the day? [plan of...

Art of gifting!!!

 “Oh, Thank you so much… What a thoughtful Gift”…  [Thought running in mind: Oh,shucks, they have given me such a lovely gift, what do i give them in return? do i have anything or would cash do?]Now is that right??? Last week.....
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