It was Saturday evening and i was looking forward to an evening out. This evening i knew was going to be different, for it was going to be spend in the new swanky Burgundy’s in Ascott Somerset, MRC Nagar, Chennai. As i walked in around 7.15, the...
I dont even remember when my last visit to a Concert in the December music season was… All i know is it was lost in the past, and this concert i attended 2days back was a whole new experience for me! My friend who’s come down from Bombay called asking when...
Saw this tag on Monika’s blog, got temptedSaw this tag on Prateek’s blog and knew i had to do it…. And today, Vishesh has tagged me on his post… A book worm like me, not do a book tag.. Blasphemy i say!! Here goes… Favorite childhood book?...
There are some beats and words that catch our eye and we keep humming themthere are others that we just dont remeber or care too much about…and then there are those which sound familiar and our mind wonders what it sounded like…. There are ads we watch day...
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, a movie made in 1966, that i watched sometime in the 80s but remember vividly till date…. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, a movie with a catchy theme song, that used to be my ring tone, that i still trip on…. Recently...