Stark Contrasts

The past few weeks, i’ve been meeting friends morning noon and evening… College friends, Ex colleagues, and friends i know via Social networking websites..  Each one has a story to tell, experiences to share and it dawned on me how similar we all are...

Flash backs..Deja vu.[s]

Last evening Lakshmi called to tell me about a song she heard as she walked into a restaurant… and we knew that the same thing/instance/person was running in both our heads at the same time!!  Similarly, there are days when i am watching a scene from a...

Rewind Please -II

There are some who bring out the twinkle in your eyes, and others who just light up our entire body [ok, now don’t ask me what that means, you need to feel it to know what am talking about] … So, anyways, as i got back from Blore on Friday, spoke to mom, quick...

I remember

everything and anything that has happened in my life till date!!!Strange yet true…                                     ...

Blast from the past….

Past –According to me, it’s the time before today, before this very minute when am typing this post…. Something I’ve done, said, lived, seen, experienced, bought, enjoyed and so much more…. What I like about the past –What we wereHow our lives wereGood and bad...
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