I Am Every Woman: Redefining Beauty Beyond Standards

I Am Every Woman: Redefining Beauty Beyond Standards

I love the song by Whitney Houston from Bodyguard movie… I’m every woman, bold and free, In the mirror, I see me— Not defined by the world’s mould, I stand, unyielding, fierce, and bold. I am the strength in every step, The power in the breath I take, My spirit...

Long haul and the hours after…

This was the 1st time I was taking a flight that was over 4hours in duration and so there was a lot of apprehension in the mind. I also had people giving me inputs and suggestions- make sure to walk up and down, visit the loo and don’t hold it in, remove your shoes...

What is the difference..

The mother: This is my oldest daughter.. you must have met my 2nd one  Stranger: Yes. So, what does this one do? The mother: She works out of the house.  Stranger: Oh… *walks away after throwing a “avlo thaana” kinda glance* The mother: That is so and so, I...

Sacrifice or Compromise!!

A friend recently remarried…. after being single independent woman for nearly 20years! She found this man, a decade older than her, and I dont know if it was instant love or they just grew to like each other over a period of time, but things moved fast and he...

Rendezvous of a different kind in Auroville

Am submitting this post for IndiBlogger’s  Expedia – Around The World Contest The majestic cobra woven around what looked like a torch stood out against the pale yellow background. Sharing space on the wall was another painting that reminded...
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