Bringing the house down..literally!!:)
By: aaroo4 | Aug 12, 2005 05:37 PM
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Member’s Recommendation of this Product: Yes
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Pros: Pitt and jolie
Cons: none

Mr & Mrs Smith, starring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie is hmmm…..

It starts off after about five or six years of their being married (he says five, she says six) John and Jane Smith are nowhere close to what they call an ideal family life. As they confess to their shrink during the skillfully executed opening credits, things are not all that perfect between them.

Now,getting back to the main movie, things are just going on like clockwork,they both leave for work and back home in time for a Martini before dinner. All hell breaks lose when Jolie is on location, ready to take out her target, when a dune buggy bounces along her way. She fires at the interruption, and that’s not a really good idea. Brad Pitt, wearing bermudas and carrying a hi fi binacular, thuds back with a glorious explosion. Soon, both wake up to the fact that the other is an assassin.

No, it’s much worse: the other is also an assassin.Hmm,what happens next is they both decide to get home,knowing the truth about the other,and sit for dinner..

All the while thinking of what could be going on in the other’s mind.Brad being very wary of the carving knife in Jolie’s hand,and the drink she has poured him, and how tactfully she catches the wine bottle that he drops letting it fall. What follows cannot be put into words,is best felt when seen on big screen .

The amount of chemistry between the two, the way they try to beat the other,in the process burning down the house, guns and bullets flying in air, and the passion that ends it all.

A movie to watch if you wanna see some live action and comedy and just have a good time….

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