A day no different
work and routine
taking over my time

time passed on
till dusk fell
“time to bid hello
to doctor”, granpa said

Stuck in traffic jam
mind wandering away

Tring goes the phone

saw the familiar name
smile crept up on my face
“hi Girl, whats up”
i chirp

“sniff sniff, sob sob”
was all i heard
heart racing faster
knew something was not right

“bad news A, she sobs into the phone”
My mind racing away,
wondering what it could be
“my dad passed away”

my breath, right there
yet to regain it
sense of helplessness set in

Oh,how i wish i could console her
make her feel better
make everything alright for her
my heart tugs with every minute

all i do
pray and tell her
“am here for you, always…”
she is ok….

Still lost and wondering whats going on.. am yet to digest the news…feeling so awful for my friend

i know God has a reason
but i wonder what it is…
to bring in something so shocking and such a nasty surprise
shattering their world…. sigh…. ๐Ÿ™

Aaarti (c) 13th may 3pm…

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