Its weekend already…Wonder where the whole week… 5days went…Whoosh, it passed by, like those damned deadlines!!! 🙂
Its been one of those weeks that i am happy is over.. Too much work – official and at home!!! Am tired -mental, emotional tiredness is more like it…
Travel plans:
Am tired of booking tickets, only to end up cancelling them.. Not mine, but my grandparents… They were to go to Sringeri last month,but granpa fell ill [ we had booked tickets a week earlier]]… Had to cancel them!!! 🙁 they couldnt go, cos granpa was in the hospital and all that….
Now he is alright, once again it was time to travel, booked their tickets, and alas, will be cancelling them tomorrow… :(( Shucks… Am i jinxed? are they jinxed? whats happening????  This time Granpa’s bro in law passed away, suddenly !! Last sunday, granpa’s 2 brothers went to Mumbai to visit the ailing uncle[ granpa’s last sis’s hubby], and before they could go over, he passed away!!! So, now all are prepping to travel to Mumbai/ Blore – wherever the 10day functions will happen….

Only place they are going now is Blore for the functions!!!! Sigh…………….. life’s little mysteries!!!
Was ok.. not so crazy… Took on only  few projects and taking it easy..Working on content for a friend’s website!! its fun, but at times i wonder if the expectations are higher [ cos he is a friend!!! ] and am stuck for words at times…!! But , its fun!!!
Highlight of the week was the job hunt spree me and my friend,S[she did most of the work] went on.. After a fun movie and dinner, we went our way only to meet online in a few minutes… She was on a rampage.. sending me links by the second…. One of which has been on my mind, and so i sent out a mail.. had a meeting and waiting for their final update !!! [its just down to logistics… when, where, what..etc… ;)] .. Happy to see my writing skills are good, stuff i’ve written is appreciated and i am capable of landing a good job with it!!! 🙂
Fun :
As always, this is a major part of my life these days [ much to the chagrin of many of my friends.. hehehe..]… Been tripping on movies [ not like thud.. but eyes going in circles kind!!! ]…
Bought more dvds, now looking for a place to store them all…
Got back to reading like a maniac- hooked on Lee child [Thanks to A and A] and Sara Gruen [Thanks to my uncle] .. and have also begun reading Kalki’s Ponniyin Selvan[ Thanks to my uncle’s friend A…. very interesting, but yes, complicated- try remembering so many times, infact wanna read it in Tamil, but for now, will settle for English!!]
Going out with girl friends, getting mehndi done on hand from guys sitting on the pavement [ in Anna Nagar- Bluestar]… he he… [ one of the guys had come for my friend Dee’s wedding and he remembered us from there…]…!!! And then doing absolute time pass while waiting for the car ..


Wonder whats in store over the weekend …..
I have so many posts running in my head… wish i had a mind reader!!!! will get down to them one by one soon… maybe tomorrow!! if am vetti 😮

Ahem……… on a closing note —

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