Not a day goes by when I don’t think of you, alas, you’re far and gone now
Wonder when I shall get another glimpse of you!
Come to your salsa class or your home, the only way I can lay my eyes on you
My beloved darling,
My prized possession
Those pretty red dancing shoes…
(c) Aaarti 28th Oct ’09
whoaaa!!! wow!! stand up ovation!!
// Srivats said…
whoaaa!!! wow!! stand up ovation!//
Repeatae :))))
Thanku thanku thanku….oh kind peepals… 🙂
good good 😀
women ! women ! women !
ooooh laalalllaa…
somebody is back with full ON!!!
Fantastic! 😀
hi aarti madam i have used ur 55 post as link in my blog:( danksu
b/w ur post was soopero sooper
நன்று நன்று. Applies to certain dresses (LBD?) as well. 🙂
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