As we got out of the car, the metal sculptures on the gate was what greeted us. We were at the Garden of Five Senses. A park in Saidul Ajaib village, near the Mehrauli heritage area in Delhi. You cant really call it a part, its not a garden nor is it just a center for fun…
There are plenty of trees and plants scattered through the vast space, there are interesting sculptures around every corner. Once you enter the gates, all you see is open space, and plenty of it, stretching far beyond the eye can see..
The sculptures have are all a symbol of
modern art, created by master craftsmen…  Amongst the innumerable marvelous pieces are a few in  terracotta and stainless steel ..
One of which reminded me of a pinwheel, one with bells around every tier and another that reminded me of the paper fan we get in the beaches….
The leaves and bells seem to flutters with
every gush of wind and creates one in hearts too. They were beautiful.. The beauty is that all these are scattered and you will have to walk around the winding lanes, through quite a plethora of flora… 

 The other unique piece of art here is the row of children sitting for class. It is so life like, that we had to literally walk near the sculptures to make sure they were made of stone… Wow, it was fascinating….

Walking around the park, we spotted a row of stones arranged like stairs that led to an amphitheater… On the other side were a few colorful pieces that resembled children’s play area and we also discovered a cafe and a few boutique stores… 
Spare yourself a couple of hours to wander the space and enjoy the sights and sounds… But watch your step, cos you never know if you are going up or down in the Garden of Five senses…
Its been about 3yrs since i was here.. wonder what kind of changes have happened… ๐Ÿ™‚ If you do visit, let me know how it is now ๐Ÿ™‚
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