Second in my movie hall series comes Ega Theater. I like this theater for no reason but for the fact that it is closeby home. A hop skip and jump, I am at the theater [well not really, but it is less than 5mins away]. The theater has been around for as long as I can remember, and we have seen quite a few movies here- with family, with friends and solo. Over the years, I have seen the place go through quite a few changes- The facade, the way they stopped screening tamil movies, how they switched over to ONLY hindi, and then included few other regional languages, slowly incorporating English movies as well.

The most recent change being in the seats within. Ega- all screens went through a drastic change, the seats and the entire theater changed, it now has plush seats, comfortable and swanky. Anu Ega on the other, the small hall still remains the same, old rickety seats and quite an unpleasant hall overall. Wonder why they haven’t bothered with this hall. Similarly, the cafeteria too changed, food items became pricey. I guess it is good in a way as it filters the crowd that comes to the hall. The crowd is also decent and does not dirty or mess up the place.

The highlight of this cinema hall is that tickets are priced between Rs75 and Rs95, the cheapest in the city [as far as I know]. And it is one of those theaters where you will get tickets, unless it is First day First show.

You can book tickets online as well, the url is

Next time you are in Kilpauk or thereabouts, do check out this theater and let me know!!

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