I love Dec 31st, the New Year’s Eve…..Here are my 8 reasons why [buhahaha why should it always be 5 or 10 or 15…]

1. The entire world makes a big deal of this day, and you sit wondering “I don’t have any plans, and then comes a call from a friend inviting you to a party and the day looks kickass and you go about flaunting your plans to all”
2.Instead of being Thankful for all that happened in 2014, it would be a
good time to show the finger to all the rotten things/moments you went
through and do a boooyah for the 2015 

3. Not to forget, you did have some awesome things happen in 2014.. so be grateful for all that!!
4.  Remember to set aside time to travel [more places to explore and discover yourself some more].. Oh and you could meet some cute guys/girls [ err whatever your preference is] ;o)  and if you are not intro travelling but feeling generous, I am always ready and willing to do it for you.. just drop me a line and let me know, will share my bank account details 😉
5.  Dream big, take risks, it is just not worth being cooped up in your comfort zone all the time. It is the only way to live life!
6. If tonight you got no plans, you sit at home, watch TV, surf channels, stare at your phone and just have a quiet moment welcoming the new year in…
7. Ya ya the phone used to ring off the hook, but now all you get are whatsapp messages [ a few special ones have you smiling , making you realise how awesome your friends are]
8. Above all, remember that here comes a new year, a whole set of 365 days for you to learn, grow, mature, make mistakes, fall flat, embarrass yourself and just move ahead in life… go for it, reach for the stars, rather go beyond and have a fabulous year ahead!!

Here’s to a super duper new year ahead….

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