Pure vegetarian restaurant… South indian cuisine?
No, its not South indian, actually outside of breakfast they don’t have south indian on their lunch or dinner menu..

Wait, you are saying they are Multi cuisine
Yes indeed, how awesome is that.

Well, sometimes these restaurants tend to go overboard with paneer since its pure veg
Oh no, you are mistaken

What is the one dish here that stands out?
Their rice and thai curry is to die for… 

Have had this kinda conversation with people over the past few days. Where did it all begin? I told them I had lunch at Entree in E Hotel, inside Express Avenue [the only luxury vegetarian boutique hotel in the city]. People assume veg means boring blah food and same x y and z options. This restaurant is one that has been proving them wrong since they opened doors 3yrs ago.  It has also been one place that a friend and I have frequented quite often when in the mall. We enjoy the food and it is total value for money deal as well, plus it is nice and open, spacious and airy, with a lovely view of the outside. You get to spot a butterfly, a snail or even a frog out in the garden. 
I was chatting with the General Manager of the Hotel when he mentioned they had an eatery outlet in the food court as well. When I enquired, he mentioned it was called “Pleeease Mom” and had a children’s play area the doubled up as a birthday party venue upstairs. It was then I realised that was an outlet I loved, infant whenever am in the mall with this particular friend, we end up ordering from there[ it is also a pure veg outlet] and we order their Rice and Thai green curry and slurp away happily… They also have good waffles and Chinese stuff. 
For those still wondering  about the place and food, well here is a photo journey of some of the dishes I had during my recent visit. Oh and they have a buffet for lunch & dinner apart from an a la carte menu as well. During weekdays the buffet works out to Rs 400ish and weekend it is around Rs600 . I came to know they have a weekend beer brunch as well, how about that~!
The lovely arrangement that greets you as walk in through the main entrance…
 The waiting space which also doubles up as an ideal spot for a quick meeting
[Image courtesy: E hotel]
The Restaurant  
Vibrant coloured chairs and simple decor.
[Image courtesy: E hotel]
One of the buffet counters 
[Image courtesy: E hotel]

The Food 
A simple creamy mix veg soup 
The cheese spring rolls- almost like a chilli cheese toast rolled up- divine!
Galouti kebab with peas– oh how I loved these..  
Ta da.. The infamous Rice and Thai green curry– perfect as it can get. 
Papad ki Kadhi [served with roti] – i was having this for the first time, and it was yumm- tangy, sour 
with intereseting blend of spices.
Baked vegetables– ah such a comfort dish .. Was packed with a medley of vegetables 
The dessert platter– Chocolate cake, a soft cream, nougat sprinkled on top, cherry that had been soaked in spices and juices, a little chocolate ball that burst with caramel and a slice of fresh fig.. Beautiful textures and flavours.
E Hotel, Ground Floor, Express Avenue Mall, Whites Road, 
Royapettah, Chennai
Ph-   044 28463333


The reviews posted on this blog are based on my personal experience. Also remember that restaurants and eat outs sometimes change with time, so does their food and service. So, kindly consider these factors while visiting the places. Remember, no two palates are the same. Bon Appétit  🙂

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