Step Away From Work

Step Away From Work

Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment, and to either of these ends, there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing. — Thomas...
Step Away From Work

Taking a break.. 2

Damn, I am finally, for real… taking a break after a year. I had written about the importance of taking a break sometime back While that was more of short breaks, I am now going to take about a bigger break.. a break from work.. a break from backbreaking online...
Step Away From Work

Taking a break…1

Have you ever stumbled upon a roadblock and decided to just take a break and later discovered that a solution fell into place seamlessly? That is the power of break for you… Infact, this is something i have experienced quite often which is when I understood the...

Lessons 1: Getting more from 24hours…

Five hundred twenty-five thousand Six hundred minutes, Five hundred twenty-five thousand Moments so dear. Five hundred twenty-five thousand Six hundred minutes How do you measure, measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights In cups of coffee In inches, in...


I know, its been 2months since my B’day flew by but there is one gift which is is yet to be opened… Its from my dear friend Anita, who I’ve known over 14yrs 16yrs and running [touch wood]… Time to unwrap the gift[ err for those who’ve not...
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