Solkadhi… the drink!

I had seen images and posts on this, but never really thought too much about it. Infact, going by its name- Solkadhi, I kinda assumed it was part of the Kadhi family [ the curd based dish that is made both in north & south and eaten with rice]..  During my...

Cranberry & Chocolates… at Cocoashala

Nuts and chocolate- yes, tried and tested.. Raisins and chocolate- yes, that has also been tried and tested Cranberry and chocolate- well, ummm errr.. Sounds interesting, but do the flavours match?  This was the question that popped in my head when...

The Colony, Raintree, St Mary’s road

Hello. Am sure your appetite has been whetted enough by now.  If it hasn’t, then scroll back all the way to the top and down again making sure to spend atlas 3-5 secs on each image.. :-))  Golly, was I in for a treat when I walked into Colony at The...

Sar v Sri – Veggie delights!!

The city has quite a few vegetarian hotels and eat outs, but there are not many places that offer both veg & non veg is served where the veg fare is quite good. Invariably the non veg dishes get rave reviews and us vegetarians are left staring into a bowl with a...

Froyo Factory, Chennai

Without ice cream, there would be darkness and chaos. ~ Don Kardong I am not the kind who craves desserts and ice creams, but fro-yo is a favorite. At home, there are days when i just whip up a smoothie [yoghurt+ice cubes+fruit]… So, one day last week when...
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