Answer to the point..

Answer to the point..

Why do most people have difficulty answering to the point? why do they have to share their opinion, give suggestions and in fact sometimes don’t even answer the question you post them. Have observed this behaviour with people over the last couple of years…...
Me and my habits..

Me and my habits..

Habit #1 I read a blog post, a poem by a friend sometime back. I read it once, I re-read it and left a comment like I always do [ sharing my thoughts on the poem] I do the same on Instagram, or Facebook, or a piece of music on Youtube, a podcast anything else that is...

Joy of reading and gifting books..

If I were to rewind time and go back to my childhood, I only remember being outside with friends, playing or at home reading while listening to music [ in our Sharp Cassette player]. I also grew up listening to AC/DC, Van Halen, Phil Collins, Bruce Springsteen, ABBA,...

Food Tales- Broken woes

After a brief break, am back with another interesting food tale from my childhood, rather life…. I have this one quirk when it comes to Appalam [ pappads]. I need mine full and not broken up. At my maternal grandparents house they would break the appalam in half...
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