[Guest Post ]A guide to Leh Ladakh Bike Trip by Julie Kiruba

[Guest Post ]A guide to Leh Ladakh Bike Trip by Julie Kiruba

In this post, Julie Kiruba shares her experience of doing a bike ride to Leh Ladakh. Though I have been there and loved it, riding on a bike is quite different and one that I hope someday I shall do it and write about it… Until then, read on….  Leh Ladakh...

Skywatch Friday… Where to stay in Leh- Lazakar Guest house, Leh

Where did you stay, how was the place, was it comfortable or did you have to rough it out… are some questions thrown at me from the time I have come back … So, here goes.. We stayed at this awesome place called Lzakar Guest house..  What...

Getty Center, LA

While I was planning my trip, one of my uncles [in Chennai] insisted I visit the Getty centre. I had seen pictures from grandparents’ earlier visit and knew it would be a lovely place. I did not know much about the place, except that it was all about art and...

[Movie Review] Kumki

After hearing rave reviews, i nudged a few friends to watch Kumki. Alas, it was not to be, we were at the theater, Inox, waiting for the doors to open when a staff came over to tell us there was some technical issues and the screening was cancelled. Our hopes fell and...

Off to the Blue Hills… and around

This year has been quite good, touch wood! Rather, this month has been good i should say. I have managed to revisit Delhi, spend time with uncle and cousin, explore a few new places and it was an opportunity to do something for the 1st time, travel with mom.  And...
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