Up and away , into the future…

I know its been a while since I was here… Leave alone share a few thoughts and words..Well, what better day to make a start than right after a fun Scrabble game with a friend…  We exchanged more than just tiles and words, read on to know...

Women and Power.. go for it~!

I am constantly fascinated by the things we humans do, more so women. Especially how things have changed over the years. There are days when I sit and talk with gramma about how her life was before they came to Chennai, what was the family life like, and so on. She...

Chinmaya IAS Academy- Civil service launchpad…

There is a friend of mine- K, who has a cousin-M. M is into Civil services and is slowly climbing the ladder, one step at a time. Few years ago, one afternoon when K & I caught up, she was telling me how this girl is very clear and wants to write the Civil...
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