Ditch the Drama: Why Not Taking Things Personally Is Your Superpower

Top 10 things to do when dealing with a Narcissistic parent

Over the last few years, I’ve been writing quite a few blog posts around this topic – “Dealing with a narcissistic parent”. Here is one that has ten points that you can note down & use. [If you click on NPD, or narcissism, Narcissistic...
Ditch the Drama: Why Not Taking Things Personally Is Your Superpower

When Adults Filter Family Through Opinions

Human behaviour has always always fascinated me. And among those is how one person influences another – be it an opinion they have about a person or place, food, clothes etc. During my recent visit to Chennai, caught up with a friend & during the course of...
Taming the Freelance Imposter: How to Own Your Success

Taming the Freelance Imposter: How to Own Your Success

I have been a freelance content witter and specialist for over a decade. I have grown from someone who churned out 10 articles a day to now helping clients with content strategy, marketing campaigns and work on select projects only. Gone are the days when i spent...
Ditch the Drama: Why Not Taking Things Personally Is Your Superpower

Homeward Bound, But Unmoored…

The wheels touch down, and I breathe. I have landed in what used to be “Home”. Or at least, that’s what the GPS claims. Yet, as I step out into the air thick with a scent that should trigger comfort, a dissonance hums beneath my skin. The landscape,...
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