Past baggage and present life..

Past baggage and present life..

Years ago somebody introduced me to Louis hay and her book You Can Heal yourself. While the initial chapters in the book didn’t really resonate with me, the last few pages carry tables that talk about ailments/condition & the possible emotional connection...
Do what you want… or not..

Do what you want… or not..

Thanks to covid, being cooped up at home+ mind being in a world of its own, a lot of thinking and self-introspection has been happening. And many a times, am circling back to “conditioning” – how we have been brought up, what we are told as we grow...
Do what you want… or not..

Taking a break…1

Have you ever stumbled upon a roadblock and decided to just take a break and later discovered that a solution fell into place seamlessly? That is the power of break for you… Infact, this is something i have experienced quite often which is when I understood the...

Dear Diary, mind in a puddle

So, lots of things have happened since the time I spoke to you… I can sense a change in me, as a person, as an individual.. I continue to remain as independent as ever, just that I have now made peace with the world and stopped expecting things to be any...

[Movie] Ship of Theseus

Director: Anand Gandhi Cast: Aida El Kashaf, Neeraj Kabi, Sohum Shah I saw the name in the list of movies at Sathyam Cinemas but had no clues what it was about or what the name meant. Infact, I dint know if it was an English movie or a Hindi. I instantly got online...
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