The Fire

“I smell something weird” I announced. I know it, it smelt like wire burning. The others stared at me like I had lost my mind. “Nope, we don’t smell anything unusual, you are hallucinating, just chill” I persisted. “I do smell...

Tanishq Mia Ad

Well, there are some ads we all love and then there are those that don’t make any sense, no matter how many times you see them. And then there is that one ad that you wish was never made and you are seething with anger- for various reasons. I haven’t come...

I struggle- 1

 … to accept compliments with a smile and Thank you…. to express how i feel with people…  to put words to my feelings/thoughts…  to control my temper [at times] …  to forget …  to handle pain/hurt...

By the water cooler…. Sly me!

Parul from Brining up Adi  is all set to launch her second book ” By the water cooler” . If you read her first book– ”Bringing up Vasu” you will look forward to her second book….  There is exciting contest going on her blog where you need to...


Yesterday was quite the busy, and Missy Aarti [aka Me] had her hands full till 7pm or so… yep, she was a busy busy girl, working, finishing errands, attending a not so interesting meeting and then ofcourse having FUN… ;o)  Well, you already know she...
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