Nobody Tells You This: A Woman’s Life in Stages

Nobody Tells You This: A Woman’s Life in Stages

Life throws a lot at us, but for women, it feels like we get a whole different game. Periods, cramps, sex (good, bad, and confusing!), and then, on the horizon, the enigmatic menopause. We navigate these stages with a mix of excitement, trepidation, and a nagging...

Getting INKed

I have no clues how it all began, but all I remember is one day suddenly keen on getting INKed. And now it has been 4yrs since my 1st tattoo. 6th Sep 2008, 2 days after my birthday, I went to the Tattoo parlor, showed the design I had picked off Google and got inked....

He said, I said…

The pain started about 3weeks ago, initially,i shrugged it off assuming it was a sprain, but even after applying Iodex, Absorbine and what not, no respite… Went to the doc, who again said its just a sprain, and prescribed pills and a different...

December ….

The phone rang and woke me up at 6am today and now am wishing i hadnt answered it.. Sigh… Brought the news that an aunt who had been ill for sometime had passed away… How i hate this month but i also love it for completely different reasons….Even...
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