Day 12 – Long time…

Does it happen only to me or others i wonder!!! I hear my name called out at random places, only to find the person to be my ex-colleague, school/college mate or family member… And there are times when i cant remember their name at all, am a complete blank,no...

Forget me not

I have a photographic memory… No, i am not refering to the phrase about -“All of us have photographic memory, some just dont have film in it!!!” 😛 I tend to remember things a bit too much in detail, and sometimes its quite funny!! Yes, there are days...

Learnings in life…

While watching Abhiyum Nanum, a thought struck me… we all learn at every stage in our lives..We go to school, college, learn from our parents , family etc etc….The Character of the begger who is brought home by the girl surprises them by speaking English...
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