Skywatch Friday – Drama in the sky

Today, as we celebrate Tamil New year’s day, and Malayali’s celebrate Vishu, Tulu’s celebrate Bisu, i remember my friends in Kochi… About a month ago, one Friday evening I was all set, bags packed and on my way to the airport to zoom off to...

Skywatch Friday… In Flames

After a few grueling months, i finally decided to take a break, albeit a few days only.. There were no two ways about where  i was headed, the destination was clear as crystal and i held the tickets in hand.. I sat in the flight, staring out into the open sky,...

Japan Fruit…

Me: Is it a different kind of tomato? Gramma: No, it looks different… I havent seen this kind of tomato before Me: Hmm.. it is in the fruit section…. Do you have any idea what it could be? Gramma : [She looked at me perplexed…] I then turned to the...

I can see clearly now!!! :D

  I can see clearly now, the old frame is gone, I can see everything around me[ actually i could always see!!;)]Gone are the dark clouds that had me lost It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) Sun-Shiny day….I got new glasses….yipee doo...
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