Skywatch Friday- Where the sea meets the sky

How I wish i could switch off this life and get away, disappear? Maybe to a place where i know no one and there is nothing but the ocean and clear blue skies for company? The only place that comes to mind is Pondicherry. The last time I was there was a year ago, sigh,...

Skywatch Friday… Bridge over the Indian Ocean

I have been wanting to visit Rameswaram for as long as i can remember. But it just dint seem to happen. Gramma told me “Rameswaram & Kasi are places you should not annouce your desire to visit, it will not happen”… Hmm, i dint know if this was...

Skywatch Friday… Touching the skies

This past week has been quite hectic, work , travel and generally been busy! The travel bit was exciting, as it was a last minute plan.. Tuesday early morning, we hit the road to Coimbatore, a journey that took nearly 8hours, with a few pit stops… We were tired,...
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