Day 4 – Time to fly

In another 8days, a little birdie will fly off the nest and learn to fly on its own… Am talking about my Sister, who’s off to join her 1st job in a different city… The day she got the job, we were all elated, but in a few minutes a lull set in at...

[sharing] my baby sister turns 18 today… :)

Wow, feels like yesterdaythat i held her in my arms,a little baby girlwriggly and cute…years seem to have flown byshe is is almost all grown upHapppy 18th birthday to you P,From the bottom of my heart.And may your good times multiply,Till they’re flying off the...

[fiction] Threads of life

“Hi Shyam! Welcome home”“Hello Shyam! It’s so good to see you”“Hello, Beta! It’s been so long”Shyam had heard so many voices surrounding him as he had made his way home. Sharad, Seema, his grandmother were all so happy to see him. It had been long, his last visit was...
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