Past baggage and present life..

Past baggage and present life..

Years ago somebody introduced me to Louis hay and her book You Can Heal yourself. While the initial chapters in the book didn’t really resonate with me, the last few pages carry tables that talk about ailments/condition & the possible emotional connection...
Taking the Leap

Taking the Leap

Living the life you have dreamt of often means shaking things up, making big changes, and taking decisions that will have a major impact on your life – not just one element, but pretty much everything – personal, work, relationship, etc etc.  We have all...
Taking the Leap

This Monday.. take a break

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Instance 1: Me: Have you had morning coffee? She: Well, I woke up at 4, brushed my teeth, but it was still dark out, so went back to bed. Then heard the front door, and then thought you were up. I then got out and picked up one packet of milk, and made coffee. There...
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