AirBnb versus Hotels

AirBnb versus Hotels

When planning your next trip, you may be wondering whether to stay in an Airbnb or a hotel. Both types of accommodation have their own pros and cons, so it’s important to weigh your options carefully before making a decision. When travelling on my own, I was...

And we meet again Bangalore

It has been nearly 2.5yrs since my last visit to Bangalore, and that was also a short one. I remember having a full day meeting in Coimbatore, and from there heading to Bangalore for few days with friends and family before getting back home. Well, this time it was a...

Travellling to Bangkok- visa!

  Once the destination was decided, it was all about getting details sorted out for the Visa, picking up some foreign currency and finally putting a few things in the suitcase before hitting the road. For Bangkok, visa is available in two formats- one you can get...

Skywatch Friday- Madurai in all its glory

 Walking through the streets, I reminisced about our life in that town, crossing the road to get to school, the family that lived below in our house and  a whole host of other memories came flooding in. I was dragging my trolley bag and walking towards the...

Srilanka Food series- King Coconut

When I touched base with a friend asking her for inputs on Srilanka, where to go what to do etc, she shared her thoughts and inputs! The day I was travelling, she shared in our group – “Do have a King Coconut for me aaroo”.. I did not know what this...
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