Day 8- Keys

“Dont let others tell you what to do or how to live your life…. ” is a statement i hear and utter quite often.. “Walk in my shoes and only then will you know” is what comes to my mind right after i hear the 1st sentence.. But then...

Peek a Boo…

Gosh, i dint realise how long its been since i wrote a post.. well, work has taken over life, plus people at home were travelling, so had been busy with that!!!!  Got a bit of free time, and so decided to give you all a quick peek into what i’ve been upto,...

Curtain’s up!!

Phew.. this week was one heck of a week.. Hectic crazy busy and wacko fun!!! This is the follow up post to the previous one i had done about a week ago!!   let me start from the beginning —- 4th Sep = My bday happened… and along with it came ooodles...

Feast…. !!!

Yayy!! Am back!!! My life is back, heart beats with smile in every Thud… Oh,yes, you got it right… BSNL is back!!! mwahhh!!! 🙂 Why this title? Cos i have a feast for you all… For those who dont know, i have a thing for Butterflies.. fascination,...
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