Am tired of praying
Am tired of hoping
I know
I need to keep praying
I need to hold on to hope!!
keeps throwing pain
keeps hurling blows
i know
I need to keep praying
I need to hold on to hope!!
Am drained
Am tired
How much longer
i wanna ask…..
I know
I need to keep praying
I need to hold on to hope!!
Just ranting cos of some things happening in life…. !! i know this phase too shall pass…but till then, we all need some strength!!!
eat carrots orteedee, be stupid, its so nice to be silly and stupid. what a pain it is to be sensible. wid all the sense intelligence and wisdom we all end up at the same place
difficult times do come again and again, but thankfully, they do pass too….. Hold on… and all the best!!
take care baby..
i am a bit late .hope things are all fine nw..
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