Primo Pizza at Hyatt  Regency, Chennai – Till 9th Feb

Primo Pizza at Hyatt Regency, Chennai – Till 9th Feb

Do you love pizzas? What’s your favorite topping? Do you like thin crust or the regular thick? What about cheese- little or go crazy? Last evening we had some delectable pizzas whipped out by Executive Chef Deva Kumar at Hyatt Regency as part of their...
Four home bakers to watch out for..

Four home bakers to watch out for..

Over the last few months, or even year, there have been quite a few home chefs and home bakers who have emerged, surprising us with their fare. Some create just one kind of dish/dessert, while others are whipping out an entire menu and putting together hampers that...
Fine Dining brought home…Part I

Fine Dining brought home…Part I

“If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain”.. what is the point of this quote here? well, read on… March 22nd, we have a full lockdown and since then we have been in some form of lockdown or the other, atleast...
[Skywatch] Cloudy with splash of rain

[Skywatch] Cloudy with splash of rain

There has been such a drastic change in the weather, it has been raining on & off the past few days and we are rejoicing… It feels so good to not be sweating all the time or need the AC for longer hours.. Here’s how the sky looked 2days back…...
[Skywatch] Cloudy with splash of rain

[Skywatch] From the terrace

Last evening, I went up to the terrace cos the ACT guys wanted to sort out the cable, and install a connection at home. While the rep was busy doing his thing, I wandered about, looking around, up and down, left and right. Got a glimpse of some beautiful trees around...
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