The white cat

The white cat sneaked into our homethrough the window in my roomI watched him dash byRan to chase him out Shoo shoo, i followed himinto the bedroom, and under the bedhe ran Shoo, shoo, i followed him outunder the dining table he decided to hide Shoo,Shoo, i...

Let me free…

I had earlier written this post for the   Indusladies International Women’s Day Blog Contest Now am submitting it for the Violence Against Women blog….  Let me free… This is about my dear friend, P and what went through and how she thought...


having One of those days.. very rare for me, but still its here!! Bugged Pissed offf No mood to work Dont feel like talking to nobody just want to disappear for the day!!!

[Movie] Monsters VS Aliens

A movie for kids…hang on, thats not right… A movie for kids and adults and everyone else who loves animated stuff… 🙂 A movie that must be seen in 3D.. Saw it in 2D format in Bombay, and then when i saw it last evening in 3D style here in Chennai, i...

[Movie] Changeling

One more movie i had picked up a Pondy was Changeling, infact the only reason i bought the movie was cos the cover looked interesting… But last night, managed to watch the movie and wow, it was amazing… Moved me, disturbed and affected me…. Here is a...
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