The Fire

“I smell something weird” I announced. I know it, it smelt like wire burning. The others stared at me like I had lost my mind. “Nope, we don’t smell anything unusual, you are hallucinating, just chill” I persisted. “I do smell...

Skywatch Friday… In Flames

After a few grueling months, i finally decided to take a break, albeit a few days only.. There were no two ways about where  i was headed, the destination was clear as crystal and i held the tickets in hand.. I sat in the flight, staring out into the open sky,...

Day 9 – Fiery

Ah, its Friday again and time for Skywatch Friday Shot during the window on my flight to Bombay last year on my N95 8Gb phone!! the sun was just about to shine bright…. beautiful sight…. 🙂

Eeeks…. scary as hell………The hairy caterpillars

Today we had a mini war at home.. and no, i was not fighting with mom or my sis, it was between me,mom, uncle and the hairy caterpillars… they were all over our backyard.. past couple of years, i had noticed they were living on the Drumstick (murungakkai) tree...
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