Day 13 – to the hills we go

I think this was the 1st time my Mom was going on a Holiday Holiday… When we were in Tirunelveli, dad used to have these office trips – uber fun… Been to so many places thanks to that opportunity!!  In May, finally, after many pushes and shoves,...

Day 4 – Time to fly

In another 8days, a little birdie will fly off the nest and learn to fly on its own… Am talking about my Sister, who’s off to join her 1st job in a different city… The day she got the job, we were all elated, but in a few minutes a lull set in at...

Coffee and Tweet pal

A coffee pub that wowed me… A place that has beautiful ambienceFunky seating arrangements- some of them quite innovative and InterestingA name that was hard to pronounce, inspite of asking a waitress…  Am talking about the new Coffee shop in...

[Info] Chennai Bloggers Meet….

Am a member on Indiblogger and so got this msg… But i guess its open to anyone interested, so putting it up here…. Am kinda looking fwd to it, will be my first such meet.. :)Chennai blogger meet Scheduled for 08/06/2008 at 16:00 City: Chennai Description...

[Theater] PIF plays

Over the past couple of months, everytime we had a readmeet, i got to know little bit more about the concept of PIF – Politically Incorrect festival.. this was a play, or many issues taken up and presented to the chennai audience by a group of young enthusiastic...
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