By the water cooler…. Sly me!

Parul from Brining up Adi  is all set to launch her second book ” By the water cooler” . If you read her first book– ”Bringing up Vasu” you will look forward to her second book….  There is exciting contest going on her blog where you need to...


Life gave me lemonade and I can’t imagine why Born on a sunny day, beneath a tangerine sky I live life without pretending…. is a song i love listening to…its by Chris Rice….  So, today evening as i was listening and singing along, i...

[Sharing] fun HR life… :)

For all of you who are in HR or working in a corporate… chk this out…. worth it~~~ :)———————–HR lingo… always wondered what your HR is referring to when they are talking to...
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