[Movie] Goli Soda

There is this movie group I am a part of which gives me my dose of which movies to watch and which to skip. There are instances where we end up discussing a director or an actor for days to end. And that is where I heard of this new tamil movie that had released last...

A cookout with a difference at Dario’s

I for one began cooking, or atleast entering the kitchen quite early. Mom & Gramma used to say – at the age of 3 I was making dosas and thus began my love for cooking. I began full fledged cooking in 10th or 11th Std, mainly making my own lunch and...

La la la la la lalala la go The Smurfs

I watched The Smurfs yesterday morning with a friend and her son…. The theme song is just so annoyingly addictive, have been humming it non stop since then…. here it is, Enjoy this, while i go get the Review written!! Oh, and here’s the trailor as...

Day 27 – Cha Bar or Chai shower?

At pizza hutV: post lunch, lets go to Cha bar in Oxford bookstore, i simply love their chaiMe: oh yes, sure thing! After a while,as we were done with lunch, we got out, waved an auto and made our way to Oxford book store, would have walked, but V was just recovering...

Day 1- Dreams…

The day i was gifted my very 1st Enid blyton, i knew what i wanted to be when i grew up!! I wanted to live in a big house, surrounded by books, and running a library!! The one funny thing was i loved music so much, i pictured myself playing various cassettes round the...
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