Rewind Please -II

There are some who bring out the twinkle in your eyes, and others who just light up our entire body [ok, now don’t ask me what that means, you need to feel it to know what am talking about] … So, anyways, as i got back from Blore on Friday, spoke to mom, quick...

Live it up!!!

 Ever since i read this quote, i fell in love with Erma Bombeck’s words… did some digging, and read about her, her life, and all that she went thru… An Amazing woman i must say….You can read more from her here “There are people who put...

[Movies] Offbeat

I buy dvd’s, and yes, some are good, whilst others are bad!! I dont read ahead of the shopping expedition… Infact,very rarely do i know what i am going to Buy..I BUY — If the name looks interestingIf the cover is appealing If i like one of the...

Time flies

Its Friday and i dont know where the week went by. Seems like the days are floating by way too fast for me to savour them. I work, i play, have some fun and voila, the week ends!! 🙂 This week was awesome fun cos uncle, aunt and cousin had come down from Delhi and i...

[Movie] Monsters VS Aliens

A movie for kids…hang on, thats not right… A movie for kids and adults and everyone else who loves animated stuff… 🙂 A movie that must be seen in 3D.. Saw it in 2D format in Bombay, and then when i saw it last evening in 3D style here in Chennai, i...
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