Skywatch Friday- Aayi Mandapam, Pondicherry

I’ve lost count of the number of times i have visited this town, back in the days we used to do weekend trips, just drive down, stay with a friend, enjoy the weekend and head back to Chennai to face Monday. The most recent visit was last year- September, around...

Blinkers Off by Andaleeb Wajid

The cover of the book had me fascinated and so did the title… Blinkers off by Andaleeb Wajid is the kind of book you should read after a packed tiring day…. The book is light, while being deep;  It is fun while being serious and it makes for a breezy...

Live it up!!!

 Ever since i read this quote, i fell in love with Erma Bombeck’s words… did some digging, and read about her, her life, and all that she went thru… An Amazing woman i must say….You can read more from her here “There are people who put...

Mistaken identity?

Couple of days back, when i was at the bank, got a call…Me: HelloShe: hello ma’am, Am calling from Mr.AA’s office, can i get your email id pls?Me: Sure, @#$)@#%( …       May i ask for what reason?She:...
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