Pallikondeswarar Swamy Temple in Surutapalli

We met on Friday and during the course of the conversation my friend Ar mentioned this temple in Surutapalli and how it was very famous. I hadn’t even heard of the place, leave alone the temple and so when she said “am thinking i”ll ask the husband...

Skywatch Friday- Temple Towers in Goa

I was just beginning to understand what made Goa so rich in history and culture. It was my 3rd day and i waited outside the resort for the tour bus. I knew we were going to visit a few churches and temples, apart from beaches that day. The one temple that i had read...

Skywatch Friday- Green fields and blue skies

  Friday is here, and i look forward to feasting on the beautiful skies shared across the blogsville… It also brings with it fond memories as i glance through some of the experiences i have gathered over the years, albeit too few to brag about… ...

Birds of a feather….

During my recent trip to Hampi and Anegundi, i spotted quite a few birds.. Now i know i dont have the camera to take good pictures of these feathered friends of mine, but i did manage to get some shots…. hazy but what the heck!! 😀  Hampi is filled with...

A dream comes true!

Visions of towering templesBeautiful carvings on the rocks Rows of pillarsGushing waters Fascinating Sloth bears were images that flashed through my mind when i thought of Hampi.. A destination i had been wanting to visit for almost a year now!! Kept wondering if it...
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