The road trip to Chennai – Day 1 & 2

The road trip to Chennai – Day 1 & 2

This was the 1st official long-distance trip that P & I were doing since we moved in. It was also extra special cos he was gonna be meeting my family for the 1st time. With some excitement, and a wee bit of anxiety we quickly packed our backpacks and we were in...
The road trip to Chennai – Day 1 & 2

Road trip to Chennai.. The Plan

This is a road trip that we have plan to do back in November 2021 when I thought of bringing Floppy here. Circumstances changed and we didn’t do that road trip, but Partha wanted to do a road trip all the way to Chennai forever. Well, truth be told it’s...
Skywatch Friday… View from home

Skywatch Friday … Rains to Clear skies

During my most recent flight, there was a lot of drama and uncertainty! In fact, till we took off, I wasn’t sure if we were gonna actually take off and make it to the destination. Why? Well, I was flying out of Chennai on Nov 11th, one of the many crazy days...
Skywatch Friday.. The Skies..

Skywatch Friday.. The Skies..

This was probably the 1st time in a long time when I purchased just a one-way ticket… It was exciting and am now looking forward to what life holds in the days/months/years to come…  I took the morning flight out from Chennai and here are some clicks from...
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